viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Men v/s Women

In the actual world, women have almost the same social position that the men and her influence have been increasing over time.
Personally I have been raised in a "women environment". My parents are separated, and since I was child I’ve lived with my Mother, Grandmother and my sister, and the 3 generations are different. My grandmother didn't work, she got married when she was 21 and only my grandfather works and brought money to the house, while my grandmother cleaned the house or took care the children. In that period, most of women didn't have voice or vote, and only was the wives of men.
My mother studied Music pedagogy and both with my Dad worked, and brought money, but my mother took care of me and my sister and cleaned the house, and his boss was a man so she didn't have much work and her salary wasn't very high. In these years there were many inequalities in the works position, and if men and women had the same job, there were an inequality in the salary (today there is a big difference in these items).
Now my sister is studying Art in this same University and is very independent, she is very bossy with her boyfriend and wants to live alone. Today my mother is the school's counselor and don't need anyone that can help her.
Actually we have a society with gender equality in the most of aspects, even women can make better works than men and her influence in the important decisions have been increasing very much (Last president of Chile was Woman).
I have the capacity to interact with men and women of the same way.
In my house we take turns the house tasks, and there's not a preferential treat with me.
Finally I think that there are not many difference in the contribution that each of the sex could make in my area, but one of them is the sensitive, because the women generally have more sensitive than men and can understand more of emotional states of the people who have some pathology.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010


Personally I think that food is very important in the life, but not only to get energy. Always is a pleasure goes to good restaurants, fast food's places, or simply buy some "sopaipilla" in the cart of the corner.

In my case I don't have a good food habits. In the morning my breakfast is only a cup of milk, but always I eat some bread in the University. I have lunch in the U, only when i have time and if I don't have I eat in my house. At night I have dinner or eat bread with a glass of milk, it's relative.

I don't really have a favourite food, but i like very much pizza, Chinese food, Peruvian food, sushi, Mexican food like "Tacos", etc. But the Chilean food is the best. I hope all the year the Chilean festivities in September, where the "empanadas", "anticuchos", "choripanes", and "chicha" are my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or in summer when we have the "humitas", corn cakes or "Porotos granados", but only I like these kind of beans, because I don't like the "legumbres" very much. In winter we have more "cazuelas" and "carbonadas".
All these Chilean food are very rich to my taste.

Actually in Chile we have a big problem of obesity, and we need a good education about food because the pincipal affected are children so they must have a good fat free diet.